Graduating with a diploma is a fantastic accomplishment, and it should allow you to be competitive in the job market. However, many recent graduates discover that finding a job is much easier said than done. Lindsey Pollak, author of Getting from College to Career, recently answered some questions about how newly graduated job seekers can get hired. The following are four ideas that applicants should utilize in their own job hunts.
1. Starting the Hunt Immediately
Lindsay Pollak described the biggest mistake that new job seekers make as not getting out there in the world. With the computer age, many new graduates struggle to find leads or interviews because they completely rely on the web for information. Getting out in the world is a somewhat forgotten aspect of job hunting. Graduates should be using their resources, including the career center at their college or university. Alumni should not hesitate to draw on the resources their school has set up to help them succeed.

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2. Prepare for a Lifetime Career
Lindsey Pollak said that “a career is a marathon and not a sprint”. This means that you will not meet all of your lifetime goals in the first few years of employment. If you are worried about being stuck in a dead-end job, or are afraid that you will grow to hate your work, remember that your situation right now is not permanent. As you work more, continue to get experience, and find out where your true passions lie, you will be able to make informed career decisions. You are not eternally married to any one job; you can always make a career change and explore new fronts, no matter what stage of life you are in.
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3. There is Always Room for Growth and Improvement
Many job hunters get stymied because they cannot find a position that meets their high expectations. Pollak says there is a fine balance between accepting any position, and finding the “perfect” job. She suggests narrowing down your list of criteria to the most important. Choosing three non-negotiable job requirements will help you to fulfill some basic needs while also being flexible.
4. Decide on a Career Direction
When facing the business world, many new job hunters are crippled by indecision. They may not feel drawn to a particular job and are worried that they will choose the wrong career. These people should perform a self-assessment that will enable them to see what kinds of work and ideas they are naturally drawn to. You should find a job somewhere, but also keep your mind open to change.
As you live and work every day, pay attention to what you gravitate to. When reading the news, what articles do you enjoy the most? Do you know anyone who you want to become further acquainted with because of their interesting career? Taking action is much more effective than simply thinking the problem through.
5. Learning Something New Every Day
One of the most important steps any job seeker can take is continuing education. This means you need to learn more about yourself as well as learning more about potential careers. Being able to find work that is lucrative and enjoyable is a dream of many, and it is possible when you are open to new ideas and job opportunities.