The Financial Planning Process: 5 Steps You Should Follow

Are you concerned about how you’ll ever be able to afford retirement? Or paying for college? With so many big expenses in life, it’s common to worry about your finances.

However, the key to managing large expenses is planning. Do you have a plan in place for your finances?

If not, it’s never too late to get started. To learn more about the financial planning process, keep reading for five key steps to set yourself up for success.

1.  The Financial Planning Process Starts with Setting Goals

The process of personal financial planning starts with setting goals—what do you want to save money for?

Many people are focused on some of life’s biggest expenses, such as buying a home, a car, or higher education. Once you know what your goals are, it’s easier to work out how to achieve them.

2.  Make a Budget

To save money and invest, you need to know exactly how much you’re earning each month and how much you’re spending. Then, you’ll know how much you can afford to invest.

If you’re trying to increase your savings, look through your bank statements and work out if there are any expenses that can be reduced, such as shopping or dining out.

3.  Speak to a Financial Advisor

Preparing a financial plan can be confusing, especially if you’re new to saving and investing.

Sometimes, it helps to meet with a licensed financial advisor, as they can walk you through your options. They will charge a small fee, but it’s worth it to have expert guidance on your financial situation.

4.  Create a Plan

Once you understand what you want to achieve, it’s time to create a financial plan. When making your plan, make sure to think about non-traditional financial planning considerations, such as managing money in same-sex partnerships. This way, you ensure your loved ones are protected when it comes to money.

Your plan should outline how much you’ll invest, what you’ll invest in, and the duration of the investment.

5.  Monitor Over Time

Once up and running, you don’t need to check on your finances daily, but you do want to check in from time to time.

This will provide peace of mind that things are moving along, ensuring your investments are on-track and working.

For higher-risk investments, however, you may want a more hands-on approach to management.

Reach Your Financial Goals Today

Now that you know more about the financial planning process, are you ready to take control of your finances? If so, use the steps above to develop a financial plan that works for you and your family.

With the right investments, you can set yourself up for retirement, put your kids through college, or even purchase a vacation home—the options are endless!

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Jesse Fin

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