Save Big on Christmas Cards and Have Money Leftover

If you had an extra £50 to spend during the Christmas season, what would you do with it?  Buy yourself a relaxing day at the spa to get rid of the stress of the holidays, take your spouse out to a special dinner, or set it aside for a rainy day, you might say.  You may not realize that if you just chose to do one simple thing differently this holiday season, you would be able to save a bundle of cash and have some leftover for treats and extras for the family.

If you took all the money that you regularly spend on sending out Christmas cards, envelopes and stamps and transitioned your card sending to the virtual mail world, instead, you would save up to £100 on postage and paper goods alone.  In addition, you would be able to cut down time perfecting hand writing, going out to the post office, and all those other little tasks associated with sending out a bulk batch of 50 or 100 holiday greetings cards to everyone in your address book.  Plus, there would be no risk of somebody’s card getting unfortunately lost in the holiday mail shuffle.  If you could have the same effect of bringing a newsy family update and tidings of joy to your loved ones while spending no money at all, wouldn’t you?

Send Christmas e-Cards and Save Money

With the advent and popularity of all things online and email based, it is now considered completely socially acceptable etiquette to send Christmas cards through email.  Sure, you won’t evoke quite the same feeling as is effected when a friend or family member takes a letter opener and tears open the envelope surrounding a jolly paper Christmas card.  But then again, you won’t be taking quite the toll out on your wallet as you would if you went the snail mail route.

There are a host of holiday themed e-cards that you can send out to family and friends in a matter of minutes, without skimping on the charm, personalized messages, or memorability in the least.  E-Greetings makes it simple and easy to connect with your contacts during the holidays by offering a variety of different holiday cards for every special celebration and every style of winter season observation you could want.  Whatever card you choose, you can make sure it is filled with spirit by adding music, effects, a family picture and a personalized greeting.  You can choose to send out one card to multiple contacts, or send each person on your list the greeting that you think they would like best.

christmas e-card

Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

If a step up in quality e-cards is what you are after, consider paying the mere £7 per year to join the greetings membership site of Jacquie Lawson.  This artist’s unique illustrations adorn greeting cards for many holidays, including Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day and more.  As an extra bonus, you can choose to send all the family and friends on your list a virtual advent calendar.  Although the chocolate is not included in this special offer, every one who receives the calendar as a gift from you with your holiday greetings card gets a unique link to download the calendar onto their desktop and enjoy it throughout the year.  For those family members who are unable to receive a virtual card, you may consider the help of koala loans to ensure you can purchase and send cards to them, even when your Christmas budget didn’t extend to cover the cost of cards.

A little browsing will lead you to many more affordable or free sites offering you spectacular e-cards for Christmas that will not fall short of the paper variety that you are accustomed to sending out.  Your family and friends are sure to appreciate the gesture, too, as they won’t have to worry about throwing away another piece of paper, storing it away in a box, or recycling it.  Make the switch this year from paper to virtual holiday greetings and see what you can make your savings add up to by next Christmas.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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