You can earn an MBA degree from accredited schools such as Northeastern University to get your career moving forward. Taking online courses for a degree allows you to continue your work or family responsibilities while investing in your future. You can use your new skills in your present workplace or look for career advancement in the global marketplace.
The online format is specifically designed for working professionals. You’ll get the advantage of world-class faculty who have extensive experience in the practical aspects of the business world.
The top universities offer online programs that are multilevel, so you can start at a time convenient for you. These programs offer class discussions, challenging coursework, critical thinking and analytical skills. If you enroll in an online MBA program, you’ll be able to get a general degree or focus on the area that most interests you. Degrees offer specialization in the areas that business leaders need to know such as:
• Finance
• Healthcare Management
• Innovation Entrepreneurship
• Marketing
• Sustainability
• Supply chain management
• High-tech management
An MBA with a specialization in finance focuses on investment analysis, value creation, mergers and acquisitions and entrepreneurship for high-tech businesses. It also includes crisis management for bankruptcies and liquidations.

MBA Class 2006 RGU Aberdeen 2 by Simple Fox, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.
Healthcare Management
With a specialization in healthcare management, you learn about the dynamics of the healthcare industry and how to form policies as well as the regulatory, political, economic and social aspects of the healthcare system. This is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and many different avenues for careers are opening.
Innovation Entrepreneurship
A specialization in high-tech management is another area where new career opportunities are opening every day. You’ll learn about intellectual property protection and management as well as leadership skills and entrepreneurial financing.
If you specialize in marketing, you’ll learn product development, brand advertising and management. You’ll also learn how to explore target markets at home and around the world as well as the cultural, political and economic forces that affect marketing.
Sustainability is another fast-growing area in the business world. How energy is used and how the environment is treated is uppermost when dealing with business organizations, markets and governmental institutions. Sustainability involves economics, leadership, innovation, strategy and the supply chain. A specialization in this MBA puts you at the forefront of moving society towards a sustainable future.
Online courses that can secure you an MBA are definitely worth the investment.