Most law school admissions officers base their admissions decisions on the combination of undergraduate GPA and Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score. Factors such as resume, letters of recommendation, and personal statement are also taken into consideration, but a high LSAT score is considered most favorably.
LSAT Costs
The LSAT is offered four times each year, and you can register online, by mail, or by telephone. “Walk-in registration on the day of the test is not permitted at any test center for any test administration”, according to Law School Admission Council Incorporated (the body that administers the test at approved testing centers throughout the world). Basic fees for 2014 are $165 for the LSAT and $160 for Credential Assembly Service (CAS). (Fee waivers are available for those who qualify). Other costs may include fees for late registration, handscoring, and law school reports.

Day 110 – LSAT prep by Despotes, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
LSAT Scores
According to Law School Admission Council Inc., “Raw scores are converted to an LSAT scale that ranges from 120 to 180, with 120 being the lowest possible score and 180 the highest possible score”. LSAT scores ranging between 150 and 160 are considered “average”. However, LSAT scores of 160 or more may be high enough to gain entrance into one of the top 25 law schools.
The LSAT, which is divided into five sections, consists of three types of multiple-choice questions: reading comprehension questions, which measure the ability to understand complicated reading material (passages oftentimes ranging in length between 400 and 500 words); analytical reasoning questions, which measure the ability to identify and analyze causality between one or more things; and logical reasoning questions, which measure the ability to articulate logical viewpoints in a complete and demonstrable way. The sheer scope and complexity of the test means students are often required to complete hours of rigorous study months in advance.
Outsmart the LSAT
Research shows the best way to outsmart the LSAT is through mastery of question types. While many organizations — both online and offline — offer online prep classes, LSAT private tutoring, and other LSAT exam help, few offer the dedicated instruction that actually increases students’ ability to achieve high LSAT scores. 7Sage’s website, the leader in LSAT prep, takes a different approach to preparing for the exam. This educational website allows students to experience the LSAT through the eyes of experts. According to the website’s homepage, “Students can discuss LSAT with elite instructors and peers, learning what exactly to expect on test day and having the greatest opportunity to achieve the highest LSAT scores possible”. By offering a comprehensive and intuitive online experience, students can become an LSAT master themselves.
High LSAT scores are attainable, but smart preparation is key to success. Before signing up for LSAT exam help, consider a few important questions: Is the help affordable? Are the materials designed to increase LSAT scores? Is the curriculum comprehensive and how much of the exam prep is related to the actual types of questions that will appear on the test? Knowing the answers to these questions could change how you study and with whom.