It’s Raining Rejections
When I started this blog, it was my intention not only to stir the imagination of the Money Soldiers community to find creative ways to make money but also to share my personal experiences in my attempt to make money. I am sharing my experiences here so that you, my readers might learn something or maybe find inspiration from my successes or failures.
Rejections Everywhere
My application for Google Adsense application was rejected twice. Will I be rejected the third time? As if to knock me down, my application for a BPI trading account got rejected, too. It seems like this Money Soldier would have a challenging time earning money.
My First Taste of Google Adsense Rejection
First, let us be clear on what Google Adsense is. It is Google’s advertisement program for website owners or publishers. If you have a website or a blog, even if you do not own the domain you can apply to the program. If accepted, you can earn money by putting advertisement in your website. Since earning money is music to a Money Soldier’s ears, I wasted no time applying, naturally. I followed the instructions in the email Google sent me and waited for my application to be approved. After three or four agonizing days, Google sent me an email telling me that they were rejecting my application. The reason was insufficient content. Yes, I agree with the insufficient content verdict. When I applied I had only two posts but mind you, those two posts were written from my heart. I swear. I hope Google had taken that into consideration in making their verdict. Although, the verdict of insufficient content was true, the rejection still hurt my ego. It was like a pin prick into my bare, beating heart and when it pricked it, it pricked a fat vein making it ooze blood all over and squinting some into my eyes. I am exaggerating. Google also told me that I can reapply. I decided not to reapply. I had my pride and fragile ego to protect. The pride and fragile ego was just a front. The true reason why I decided not to reapply was I wanted to have at least 17 posts before I reapply to keep me away from that big, bad and scary insufficient content verdict.

Storm Chasers by Danny Guy, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
My Second Taste of Google Adsense Rejection
On the second day after my Google Adsense application got rejected, I miraculously received another email from Google Almighty which was similar to the email I received the first time I applied. Miraculous was the keyword there for I did not reapply. As to this day, it remains a spine-tingling mystery how I got myself a second application. I had another shot at the ever elusive Google Adsense. The temptation was just too overwhelming to resist. Just like a hypnotized robot, for the second time I mechanically posted the HTML code to my website as instructed. This time I waited longer for the verdict, a little more than a week. Then came the verdict like a thief in the night. Google rejected my application again. The reason was Money Soldiers, my blog does not comply with Google policies. What could that policy be? Was it because I put Clixsense and Amazon advertisement together with Google Search Box? I decided to remove all advertisement and reapply. Now, it has become my lifelong dream to become a Google Adsense member.
My Third Taste of Google Adsense Rejection
There won’t be any. I promise. Google, have mercy.
BPI Trade Rejected My Application for a Trading Account
In my past article entitled, Stocks I mentioned that I wanted to trade stocks and based on the C and A of the C-A-N-S-L-I-M formula I found myself a potential good buy stocks which I can hardly wait to buy. After over a month of successfully trading stocks inside my head in my wondrous make-up world called the land of the eternally bullish stock market created by my ever-active friend known as my imagination, I received BPI’s overdue response. BPI could not activate my account at this time. See letter below:
Dear Google and BPI
No amount of rejection can stop this Money Soldier from making money in whatever legal and moral way he wants to so please stop trying. Someday, the tables will be turned and you will be the one begging me to put your advertisement in my exquisite blog and to open a trading account with you. Amen.