For your business to be a success, you need well-trained employees. There are many skills that can be learned online, while some are best taught in person. Here are some tips for implementing workplace learning in your business.
Get New Employees Off to a Great Start
A new job is exciting, but it can also be a little bit intimidating for many people. This can be made worse when employees are not given the proper training they need to perform at their best. If you just throw an employee into your workforce without some training time first, he or she is far more likely to make mistakes, feel unappreciated, and offer poor service to the customers and clients of your company. Assigning a more experienced employee as a mentor figure to new employees can help a lot as they transition to their new jobs, because they will feel like they have someone to go to when they have questions. Just make sure that the mentor is not too loaded down with other projects and commitments to offer proper advice and training.
Skillsoft is a global leader in cloud based learning technologies. Many skills can be taught via online courses. For many, these remote courses are ideal because they can be done at almost any time. Custom e-learning courses can be designed for your company so that every incoming employee is given the same training. This consistency can reduce confusion and make teamwork easier. Online courses work very well for companies that have a global workforce to train. Recently, Skillsoft announced completion of its acquisition by Charterhouse Capital Partners LLP. Charterhouse Partners is a private equity funding company that has established itself as one of the premier private equity companies in Europe. They plan on working hard to continue a tradition of excellence that has resulted in many companies using Skillsoft learning technologies to ensure the success of their businesses.

employees training by yes yes hi, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License.
Keeping Up with Your Industry
Many businesses are constantly evolving. It seems like new technologies and methods are constantly entering the marketplace. It is important to business success that your company stays on top of the latest news and developments in your industry. Without this knowledge, it is all too easy to fall behind in a competitive market.
Better Training Means Better Customer Relationships
When employees are trained properly, they can more readily address the needs of your customers. There is nothing more frustrating to customers than feeling like they know more than the person that is supposed to be providing them with service. Knowledgeable employees exude confidence and help build trust between customers and businesses. Better customer service can be the difference between a profitable company and a failing one.
A Combined Approach
Companies have different goals, hopes and dreams. That means that training materials and methods need to be matched to these goals. E-learning courses combined with real life training can ensure that your new employees get the skills they need for a great start at your business and stay up to date with the latest skills and knowledge. Custom courses offer your company the freedom to get exactly what is needed to achieve success.