What to Do If Your Insurance Company Wrongs You and It’s Not Your Fault?

Many insurance policy owners believe that they cannot be wronged by their insurance companies, and in doing so they allow their insurance companies to get away with a number of atrocities. Insurance fraud has become a big issue, and many insurance companies hide under the excuse that they are trying to detect fraud in claims, and that is why they deny many injury claims.

Personal Injury claim rejections

The most prominent ways through your insurance company can wrong you is to deny your personal injury claims. Most insurance companies will try to delay paying out thinking that the insured victim will eventually accept lesser payments. Do you know that minor issues such as a missing police report, can be used against you by your Insurance company? In most places, the police may not make a report unless an individual suffers severe injuries or cars were badly damaged. In this case, you should consider taking a video or audio report of the guilty party apologizing after an accident. Taking video and audio recordings are essential lawsuit tips you must not ignore.

Workplace Injury claim rejection

When there are no independent witnesses to back up your workplace injury claims, then your insurance company may be too reluctant to process your claims. If there were no independent witnesses then the insurance company may assume the accident never occurred or it was your fault. In this case, the only step you should take is to consult a workplace injury attorney, to help you establish a strong case that will absolve you from being responsible for the accident.

Rejection Based on the Fact that You Didn’t Consult a Lawyer

Your Insurance service provider may reject your claim based on the fact that you didn’t consult a lawyer after sustaining injuries. Adjusters will try to put pressure on you to accept a far lesser payment than what you deserve. Some insurance adjusters may tell you that you have a limited amount of time to prepare your claim and failure to meet up may lead to outright forfeiture of such claim.

Similarly, some insurance companies may not award your claim based on your inability to seek medical help after you suffer injuries from an accident. They may conclude that you were never injured because you failed to seek medical help. Some health insurance companies may not approve your claims because your injuries were not serious. In all these situations, it is better to seek the help of an Injury lawyer to prepare your claims and leave no room for your insurance company to wrong you.


In some cases, even insurance companies that are willing to approve your claims may cut down on the financial benefits you deserved. Insurance companies may reject your evidence over a stolen property such as smartphone or car. Even when they decide to pay out your claim, the stolen or damaged property may be grossly undervalued when compared to current market prices. Seeking the help of an Injury attorney can save you all these troubles.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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