4 Benefits of Hiring Staff with Diversified Skills

When you’re selecting the team that’ll take your business to the next level, make sure you add a little diversity into the mix.  Everyone can bring something different to the table when working together, and individuals with diverse skill sets can often complement each other and create something unique for your business.  Here are 4 benefits of hiring staff with diversified skills.

1.  Save Money in Future Recruitment

It’s been estimated that hiring someone from outside costs 1.7 times more than hiring within.  In the days of massive advertising and recruitment budgets, this didn’t pose much of a problem.  But in the current financial climate this is no longer a luxury most businesses can afford.  By hiring staff with diversified skills from day one you can limit your spending on recruitment.  Already having someone on your team with a certain skill set prevents you from having to look outside.  This will save your company lots of money, and – no doubt – lots of time.

Training Recruitment Staff Innovation

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“You’re the one”Suncor Campus Recruitment by Suncor Energy, on Flickr.  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

2.  More Innovation

The odds of creating something unique, and potentially game-changing, increases when you have a team on board that’s comprised of individuals with different skill sets.  Why?  Because people with different skills often see a problem from different angles.  Instead of tackling a situation in the same way as your competitors, your team may be able to create something new.  In order to help your staff innovate, make sure you give them the opportunity to further develop their unique skill sets.  Using Axcelerate Australia training management software allows both you and your staff to keep track of their professional development.

3.  Less Training

It’s vital that your staff totally understand your business philosophy and your business goals when working together.  However, when you hire outside – because there’s no one on your staff with the required skills – you’ll always need to bring this new staff member up to speed with how things are run, and what your business is hoping to achieve.  And you’ll need to do this through company-specific training.  But this can take a lot of time and cost your business a lot of money.  Instead, hiring individuals with diverse skills already on your team (who understand your business) means that you don’t have to do this.

benefits of hiring staff with diversified skills

saweang / Pixabay

4.  Good for Company Morale

By having a staff with diversified skills on your books, you’re less likely to have to look outside when you need some skilled work done.  This is great for the overall morale of your business.  Employees are often frustrated when a new position or project is given to someone from outside.  And this frustration can foster negativity in the office.  But when the job is given to someone in-house, it helps everyone feel part of a team.  And this is great for staff morale.

When it’s time to hire a team of staff for your business, try and think about all the different skill sets that can help your business thrive, and stay ahead of the pack.  Choose individuals with skill sets that compliment each other.  At the end of the day, having a staff with diversified skills can save your business money and time, inspire innovation, and keep office morale high.

Ricky Hannah is a business professional by day and a family man by night.  He loves to share his insights and business beliefs.

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Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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