Marketing Tips: A Planned Brand Is A Grand Brand

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Many businesses view their brand as nothing more than the simple culmination of all their work in terms of goods and services, but a brand is more than its material counterparts. A brand is about the values and the end objectives of a company. That’s why a truly successful business is one which champions its brand and plans it down to the finest detail in terms of design, the marketing campaign it uses to spread word of this great new brand and the ways in which the face of your company differs from the brand faces of your competitors.

Rather than letting your brand develop as a product of your business and what it’s achieved, you should be creating a brand which drives the very things your business creates, in terms of products and the mindset shared amongst employer and employees alike. The brand is the thing which customers pay attention to, because it gives a cohesive, straightforward and simple image of everything for which your business stands. That’s why it’s so important to make that image or rapid impression count. If you’re struggling with where to begin, here are some ways to help you plan your brand and shape your services or staff members around that plan to lift your business.

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Branding starts at the top.

Leadership is key to a business, which I’m sure you well know. The trickle-down effect is undeniable within a company structure, because poor decisions at the top of the chain have their repercussions further down the line, as explained over at If you want to spread a clear brand which you’ve spent time planning, it’s your job to imbue those values and the overall “game plan” within every element of your company’s operations.

It’s your job to ensure that all employees understand what it is that defines your business as a whole. Failing to do so is failing to externally portray a real brand to your customers that reflects what’s internally happening with the business. An article at suggests that authenticity is at the core of any effective brand.

The things on the inside count most.

As I explained in the previous point, a solid brand needs a leg to stand on. If you want to project professionalism amongst the workforce, modernity, determination and a desire to offer quality at all levels, the workplace for your business should reflect that. Replace that boring aesthetic with an intriguing one.

You need to invigorate your staff so that your brand actually means something to them, as well as your customers. You might consider sites such as for help with new furniture. Simply updating the old furnishings, wallpaper and even the plants around your workplace is enough to change the overall feel of your business and, as such, the overall impression your brand gives.

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Update your marketing strategy.

This is about more than ditching traditional marketing methods for techniques geared more towards the modern age; it’s about keeping on top of trends before they become trends. You don’t always want to be following at the back of the pack. You need to keep your business’ website up to date, for example, to portray an image of professional and understanding of the latest in technology. As explained on, SEO is now the key to a successful online marketing campaign.

For example, responsive web layout ensures you’ll always be ready for the latest device on the market, as suggested over on You shouldn’t expect customers to simply appreciate your business for what it offers, as image is everything, and you don’t want to lose visitors to your competitors; your brand is affected by the impressions you create online, and your website is a virtual “front of house”. Ensure you’re ready for whoever might be viewing it on whatever form of device.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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