How to grow a successful workforce

 To have a successful workforce a business needs to have in place an efficient development strategy. Unlike a personal training strategy which focuses on an individual’s short-term goal, workforce development strategy should be continuous, fluid, and a long-term form of learning. Training is an important component in developing improvement workforce programs, but it does not engender enthusiasm and commitment among employees on its own.

Workforce development models are often self-selected and individualized in a way that training is not. There are several ways in which a successful workforce can be established and maintained. Following are some of the strategies that can be used to help create a successful workforce:

Making use of online and digital platforms

Using online and digital platforms is one of the most effective methods of making personal development a part of every employee’s life at work. You can provide training opportunities to your workforce by using tools such as the LMS (Learning Management System). The individuals can easily learn on the job, with no obstacles, and at their own convenience. Other components that engage with employees’ continuous development include Self-placed eLearning courses, discussion forums, webinars, resource banks, and instructional videos.

Ensure connections between strategic and personal destinations

Creating a successful workforce can mean financial investment, and the expenditure of time and energy. So, while benefits for full-time employees and contractor pay requirements must be met, it’s very important to focus on other aspects that might not seem so vital. They include the skills, behavior, attitudes, and knowledge of employees that will positively impact the outcome of business. Open and frequent communication with the workers will expose those career development and personal goals that align with the strategic goals of the business. Revealing a mutual goal means there will be a supportive relationship between the employees and management to achieve what everyone wants – a successful business.

Allow learning pace to be set by employees

This is another very important method of boosting the workforce development strategy. It involves placing the employees (learners) at the center of all development. You need to allow them to choose what needs to be learned, and how, when, and where to learn it. Be sure to incorporate moderate chunks of learning, which are easily accessible in their daily work, in order to encourage them to drive their own development.

By incorporating informal learning approaches, microlearning, and eLearning tools, employees should be in a position to drive their own learning in a way tailored to their development needs and personal goals. By doing that, they will only spend time on the relevant development areas needed.

So, starting with the leadership, ensure the entire workforce is aware that learning is what their development relies on. Also, make them understand that learning can present itself in several different sizes and shapes. President Abraham Lincoln once said: “I am a slow walker, but I never walk backward.”  Follow that adage and you will keep your businesses moving forward with an excellent workforce.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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