How to Give Your Startup a Solid Foundation

Planning the launch of your startup includes many nights of working, researching, and mapping out a proper strategy. You’d want to see it grow and thrive as fast as possible, of course, but the most important thing is to be able to survive for the first couple of years.

This is a tough challenge, as most startup owners know. There are so many other businesses out there with more experience than you and a bigger network of clients – so how are you supposed to stay afloat before they take you out?

Here is a handful of smart ways to ensure that your business has a slightly better foundation. That way, it might be able to weather those tough times when your sales are low and you may even be able to stay in business for long enough to beat those competitors.

#1 Try bootstrapping

If you’re able to, funding your startup through bootstrapping is going to give you an excellent foundation. While it may take a bit longer and you might have to work a few more shifts, you can enjoy the feeling of running a startup that has zero debt – and everything you make can be invested back into the business rather than just going straight to the bank.

It’s not going to be easy, though, and you will need to remind yourself to be patient. If you have a co-founder to work with, you might get there a bit quicker; two people working double shifts for half a year will, after all, get you there twice as fast.

Remember to not spend money on any flashy office supplies when you’re getting ready to open those doors and consider avoiding the whole office as well, to begin with. You could just run it online and get an office when you’re ready to.

#2 Make smart investments

When you’ve been able to make a profit for a while, you should look into better ways to invest your money. A part of running a successful business is, at the end of the day, about more than just making money – you need to invest the money you make wisely as well.

Companies such as Alpha Blue Ocean can take care of some of this for you if you’re not that up to date on making sound business investments yet. The more help you have in terms of mapping out strategic choices that can benefit your company, the more you’ll be able to enjoy a startup in bloom after a couple of years.

#3 Budget wisely

Finally, the most important thing you can do for your startup is to make sure that you’re not overspending. Avoiding debt is, of course, great and investing your profits is also fantastic – but it’s not going to help you out if you continue to overspend.

Work out a realistic business budget and stick to it like glue. While you need to have a team of employees to back you up, there are a few processes you might want to outsource so that you’re not spending money on unnecessary things.

Consider what your business needs and try to save as much as you can until your startup is big enough to handle more expenses.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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