How To Become More Environmentally Friendly As A Business

There’s no escaping the fact that now more than ever, the world is in dire need of change to give us some sort of chance of prolonging the effects of global warming. As a race we have completely ruined our beautiful earth and only now are we realising what we have done. However, the bright side of things is that you don’t just have to sit back and let things happen, as there are a plethora of different things that can make you more environmentally friendly. We don’t just mean at home either, your business can also take steps into becoming more environmentally friendly, and here’s some tips on how to do exactly that!

Start a company car pool

Everybody in this day and age drives their car to work, buy why? The simple answer is that it’s the most convenient way of travelling without having to go through the stresses of public transport. Rather than having all of your staff members show up in their cars, why not begin a company car pool so that you as a team can dramatically reduce the pollution you’re using. Why not give your staff members some incentive and offer a reward to those who do travel using a carpool?

Dispose of waste correctly

Whether you’re a landscaping company or you’re an office for an estate agent, there’s always going to be some sort of waste that comes out of running your business. Many businesses make the mistake of sending their waste directly to landfill, and some even dispose of waste illegally! Help out the environment by hiring a company such as EPH to come and dispose of your waste quickly, effectively, and more importantly, environmentally friendly.

Go paper free!

A little bit of an obvious statement, you may think? However, you’ll be surprised that even though it’s no secret that cutting down our trees is bad for the planet, that companies still continue to tear through wad after wad of paper. Turn your business completely paper free and help inspire other businesses to do the same.

You will probably need to invest in some sort of secure digital filing system when you do go paper free, but in the long run you’ll be saving money and the environment!

Use green cleaning products

Finally, even if you’re not a cleaning company it’s likely that you have some sort of cleaning to do. Whether it be a quick spritz of the office or you’ve got a whole kitchen to keep clean, you should consider using green cleaning products rather than those that will release toxins and chemicals into our atmosphere. You can find environmentally friendly cleaning products pretty much anywhere these days, so what are you waiting for?



Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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