From 117 to 19 – I Hear Crickets in My Blog

KL Orchid Farm by Meen & Zhafri, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
What a depressing day. I hear crickets in Money Soldiers. Its page views went from an all-time high of 117 to an all-time low of 19. Nobody ever said that blogging is easy and I do know that blogging is going to be hard but still I cannot help feeling sad. As I try to learn things about blogging and how to be successful in it, I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. It feels like I wanted to build the Great Wall of China when all I have in my hands is a single brick. I feel overwhelmed with all that SEO thing, back-linking, commenting on other blogs, building relationships with other bloggers in the same niche, joining forums, keyword research – the list goes on. I sigh. I know that I have to produce quality content for my blog to grow but I read in Neil Patel’s website that for beginning bloggers, they should concentrate first on promoting their blog and focus on their writing later. I don’t know what to believe anymore. Am I doing it wrong? There is so much to do and I end up paralyzed with confusion and thus accomplishing nothing.
Money Soldiers is only three weeks old. With how it has progressed so far, I know I have lots of things I should be happy and proud of – and I am. An all-time high of 117 page views might be pathetic to most people’s standards but I am proud to have achieved that because I worked hard for it. I am especially proud and happy that I was approved in Google Adsense despite Money Soldiers being so young. I really did not expect that I would be accepted in Google Adsense after my first three applications were rejected. Knowing is different from feeling and I just cannot help feeling sad about the fact that I had 19 page views today. I could not believe it. I thought we were experiencing a worldwide WordPress shutdown today – but we were not. I am working so hard for Money Soldiers. Sometimes I wish there were 48 hours in a day so I can give more time to blogging. There were times at night I kept on thinking what topics to write about even when I was supposed to be sleeping.
Let Their Chirping Sing Me To Sleep
You might be wondering why I am posting this. Do I hear you say this is off topic? Yes, this post might be off topic but let me remind you that this is my blog. If I want to talk about my dog, my favorite song or a movie I have just seen I think I am allowed to do so, don’t you think? Let me be human. Also, I do not think this post is off topic at all. Blogging is my business. All the ups and downs I am experiencing right now can very well be similar to the ups and downs other business owners experience. I am posting this because when you are feeling down, it helps just to know that you are not the only person experiencing the same situation. It has always been Money Soldiers’ mission to inspire, stimulate and support people in their quest in earning money.
In my solitude, I hear crickets in my blog. Their chirping is my song. Let them sing me to sleep.