Organizing a stress-free relocation for your business can be challenging. With a number of important factors to take into consideration such as planning around business hours, and the costs involved, you may not know where to begin. The following are important tips to make your corporate relocation a success.
Advanced Research
Implementing a plan well in advance of your move can allow you time to think of all the necessities such as new location, hiring the right moving company, and the amount of time it will take to happen. Corporate relocation is serious business, and it can be much tougher to anticipate than a home move. In addition to furniture, paperwork and computers, a company has to take into consideration important issues such as the server and phone system. A list can help you prepare for the endless tasks that need to be accomplished with the move.

“I like to move it, move it”. Moving office by The Labour Party, on FlickrThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Hiring the Best Movers
Making a smooth transition is imperative to your move, and you’ll need the most qualified candidates. In order to find the best movers, you’ll need to research, interview and investigate the moving company. Servers and company documents can house a company’s private information, and you want to find a moving company responsible for corporate relocation who can place protection and security at the top of their list. You also want to invest in a mover with a solid reputation who is experienced in moving a small or large business. You can also do your own legwork by searching online for reviews from previous customers. Pricing is another important factor to take into consideration since you want to stay within budget.
Size Up the New Location
Once you’ve picked out the new location, you need to assess the office space for the best layout. This can include cubicles, offices, break room and meeting area. You also want to set up a dynamic entryway to your business that captures the attention of your clientele the moment they walk in. Having a well-thought out plan will save you time and money. You should also take into consideration your electronic devices such as computer servers, laptops and phone system.
Labeling boxes, packing personal belongings and setting up your new work space can all be delegated to your office employees. You should also put someone in charge of ordering office supplies such as new business cards, stationery and change of address cards. If you have an in-house IT staff, you can put them to good use by setting up the computer equipment, Internet access and getting the phones up and running. This can prove beneficial in a productive move and not missing out on important customer calls. Getting the office staff involved can help save costs, and it can build employee excitement in your new surroundings.
You can enjoy a stress-free move by planning for the unexpected. This means ensuring that the movers arrive on time, double checking the costs involved in the move and getting them in writing. You should also ask for a copy of the moving companies insurance ahead of time in case things are broken, lost or stolen. To prevent delays and a loss of revenue, you want to test the equipment such as computers, Internet access and telephones before the start of business. Making the move over the weekend can also aid in the process and allow you to conduct normal business hours. Backing up important computer files on your server is also detrimental to a move. Proper planning, research, organization, and the right movers can have a huge impact on your relocation. It can also alleviate the stress, anxiety and aggravation that often comes with changing offices.