Blogging is a Restaurant

Aloof Chef by St Stev, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
As a restaurant owner you cook with your staff, put food on the table for your customers to consume and hope the food you serve nourish their bodies.
As a blogger you cook with your words, put content in the world wide web for your readers to consume and hope the content you serve nourish their souls.
Have you ever considered starting your own business as a means of livelihood and never having to actually start it? I have had but today I can say that I have actually started one. My business is blogging. Since I started blogging, I got to experience for myself the kind of effort and time beginning business owners devote to their budding businesses.
The Beginning
Everything begins with an idea, a concept. What kind of restaurant would you like to start? Who will be your customers? What will make it stand out from the rest? I am sure you have got the idea of how immense the possibilities are.
For a few good months, I have been thinking what my soon-to-be-born blog would be about. Common sense told me, I should blog about something I am passionate about. I have always been intrigued by money and so I decided to make my blog about finance. My readers would be people just like me who are struggling to make money and willing to stay committed and work hard to gather wealth. It will stand out in the blogosphere just because of the fact that it came out from my playful and oftentimes twisted imagination. Did you know that one of my talents is standing out like a sore thumb from a group of neat, perfectly-shaped little fingers?
Here Comes the Fun Part
You scour the world to find the perfect spot for your restaurant. You did your research and learned everything you could to invent the most capable taste buds pleaser known to humankind. You concoct every ingredient you can put your hands on in ways even the greatest witches would envy. Your restaurant opened with a big bang, boom boom and behold! You could not believe what you were seeing. It will be an understatement to say you were disappointed that all there was to see in the vastness of your restaurant was an old and wistful grandma eating alone with a chewing rate of 9 1/2 chews per minute. Grandma’s ordered food consisted of a tall glass of water and an itsy bitsy plain cooky.

st mark coffee by Roberto Trm, on Flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
From the early days after the birth of my blog, I hardly got to enjoy a full sleep. As a full-time planning engineer working a 9-5 office job, the free time I had was just not enough to do all the things I needed to do for my blog. I had to write awesome content as well as promote my blog. Every technical details in setting up a blog, I had to learn on my own for I had no idea at all how to create a website. The nightmare I had with GoDaddy as my webhost still sends chills up my spine. What a relief it is to have FutureQuest as my webhost now! I work hard to maintain and grow my blog and sometimes it is such a downer to see a mere 20 pageviews in a day but because I made a commitment to myself that I will stick with blogging no matter what happens, I can guarantee my Money Soldiers a lot of sunrises to come and enjoy.
Here Comes the Serious Part
Blogging has a lot of potential in earning you a lot of money. However, for blogging to realize that potential, just like a seedling you have to water it and give it nutrients and all the good stuff so that someday it might live to become the money tree it was meant to be.