Run an Efficient Email Marketing Campaign that Sticks

With an email marketing campaign, a company can attract a broad audience of new clients without spending a lot of money.  Of course, it is not always this simple as a campaign requires a well thought out strategy.  With that being said, here are five tips to run an efficient email marketing campaign.

Take it Seriously

A marketing professional must understand that email is a reliable and cost-effective solution that can yield results in the short and long run.  Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs do not realize this, and they do not spend enough time or money on the project.  This will make it all but impossible for a company to have an effective campaign as it is crucial to start out with the right attitude and an open mind.  When realizing that an email marketing campaign can yield effective results without a large investment, most people then have no qualms about running a campaign.

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Email Marketing by SocialMediaOnlineClasses, on Flickr.  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Some senders do not follow spam regulations.  When a company sees their name lose its reputation, all emails will end up filtered and the sender will waste time and money.  Of course, to avoid this problem in the first place, one should also write a compelling email with a catchy subject that does not raise suspicion with spam filters.  When writing the body of the email, one should write in an effective and convincing voice.  This will compel people to take action and think the email is legitimate.  Without a doubt, when a sender sees his or her messages marked as spam, he or she will have a difficult time recovering.

Larger and Relevant List

When building an email list, some opt to get tens of thousands of addresses.  While it is valuable to have a lot of contacts, an entrepreneur should try to find quality contacts who are likely to spend money.  To do so, a company must build an email list as it will already have an existing relationship with the company.  Furthermore, when obtaining contacts, the company should try to get a list of people interested in the product or service the business offers.  Remember, while quantity is important, quality is more so as it will yield a higher percentage return on investment.

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nvtrlab / Pixabay


When creating the email, one should engage fully with the customer.  By offering an incentive or even an idea, the sender can see the interest level rise quickly.  At the same time, the company should send useful emails with information and invitations for a promotional product giveaway or something of interest to the consumer.  For instance, if you’re sending a message to your consumer base about your company’s efforts to go green, offer a free grocery tote bag along with that message.  When done so tactfully and gracefully, one can engage the receiver of the email and see conversion rates increase.


When running any campaign, one must have an efficient solution to read and understand the results.  Luckily, with analytics software and tracking codes, the business can track conversion rates and see what works and what fails to bring in website visitors.  This is a huge step that one must not overlook as it will save the sender a lot of time, money and frustration.

When running an email marketing campaign, a company must have a well thought out approach as it will otherwise fail to get thee most out of its investment.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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